1/11/25: My friend got me a Himalayan Cat Webkinz for Christmas!! And I got enough Pet Medallions to get the Snowy Retriever Pup! So two new pets have been added to my collection today, their names are Pheobe and Bono (my mom (U2 fan) named him).


This is a page dedicated to all of my Webkinz pets! I don't have many but I'm trying to collect more! I come up with silly personalities for all my Webkinz pets which feels silly to say but it's the truth. I hope you enjoy reading about them!


Rainbow is my first ever Webkinz pet, whom I aquired around age... uhh.. 6? I don't remember, it was long before I knew what Webkinz was. But she's the only one I have a physical toy of and I love her very much.

Rainbow is a art student who loves fashion, music and fantasy novels. She makes an effort to fill her's and her friend's lives with joy and whimsy.


Butternut Squash!

I didn't get Butternut Squash until I got into Webkinz in my freshmen year of high school. I had found Rainbow's old pet and unused(???) pet code in a book and decided to make an account. He was my free pet that you can get when you make a new account now.

Butternut Squah is a big and stupid and full of love. He's a major jock and sports fan but he also sings in a choir and is totally dweeby.



I bought the pet code for Polly online pretty recently (two years ago). I was in the Webkinz brainrot trenches and needed another pet to take care of so I wouldn't go insane.

Polly is older than Squash and Rainbow, and has a sort of wine or sassy aunt peersonality. She really likes expensive stuff and flexing money that she doesn't have like the girlboss she is. She also definitely bosses the other two pets around.




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